So far and hopefully she stays that way!!
upside down in the birth canal, wouldnt budge when they tried to turn a couple minutes and a slice or two later, our little kaiya was here. born in hawaii via c-section.
Proud dad? You have no idea.
It was as if the world revolved around us and our new little baby princess. She slept in our closet. Our apartment was made of cinderblocks, minutes (walking) from the beach. I loved going surfing and seeing kaiya in the car seat next to alissa on the beach. EVERYDAY!
i loved taking her for ride on my longboard skateboard with alissa all worried. Holding her against my bare chest at night. I remember one day when the swell was big, waves were double overhead, 12 foot faces or so. Catching a bigger wave than i should have i went right, backside on the wave, got worked, my leash snapped, board washed way down the beach and i was struggling. it was a long time. there came a point after being held down by wave after wave that i really thought i was not gonna make it. i was ready to blow out my air and it was gonna be the deep sleep in the blue water. what killed me the most was the thought of not seeing my baby grow up. now all i want to do is be an amazing dad. Be there for them, everyday!!!
She was walking at 9 months. Loved books from a young age. Always wanting to help her daddy. She always did and still does, LOVES her friends. Amazing at spelling, sensitive of the underdog, responsible.
She now has grown into quite an impressive young lady.
I love and respect her so much, but sometimes i am a butthole of a dad. I get impatient, i am too hard on my little princess. i expect perfection when i shouldnt. Hells bells....kaiya is just like me, once she has her mind dialed into something, that train is nearly impossible to derail
She is responsible, loving and caring. She is starting to be extra clean and I REALLY love that. She is super helpful with her siblings. Very athletic. Her little arms are ripped, she loves ballet and gymnastics and karate and skateboarding and riding her bike while i go running.
Happy Birthday Baby, thanks for letting me learn how to be a dad with you.

first baby, young us.........let the adventure begin!

life was a whole lot simpler then

even when it was just taj, kaiya was a happy big sister, nice job on the hair alissa!!

books, she can never get enough
teach a child to be awesome when they are young and they will always be awesome or so i heard
a very happy girl
with her cousins
curly and cute
kaiya gets her beautiful looks from her beautiful mommy
Frozen hands from playing in the snow
Sweet butt bucket baby
her little arms are already getting naturally ripped from gymnastics
night time hiking learning to be epic in southern utah

disneyland with daddy

i love this picture of kaiya, it captures her spirit and its just beautiful

always goofing off, wonder where she gets it

natural beauty

cute, cute, cute, first day of school

one of kaiya's coolest and most adventurest friends, rivers johnson

I love how kaiya is always watching after her siblings, she is an amazing sister
attitude and looks, i better get a gun for the teenage years

some flower love in hawaii

costa rica, she was too scared to surf with me for reals. i had to settle for this

just after we moved back from hawaii, what were we thinging?

alissa always makes the holidays so fun for the kids

hogle zoo

She has loved books, and why not read naked in your chair?

my cute baby

3 months old at the beach in hawaii where she was born
Kaiya is such a princess!!
We love her tons and certainly we were so excited when she was born, making us grandparents (a new adventure for us)!
It is hard to believe how fast she is growing up.
The pictures certainly bring back some fun memories!
Love ... Mom & Dad
Happy Birthday Kaiya! You are such a beutiful girl and if I had to describe you with one word I'd use SPUNK! We love you. HOpe you had a great day!!
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