Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chase McMillan's bachelor party

So our beloved little chasem is finally married. Now we just gotta get chadly speirs hooked up with a "special spirit."

Thanks goes to Scottie Ward for putting together the little shin dig bachelor party. Its crazy because we all live so close but seldom get together. I guess those of us with the bigger broods hang out a lot less, go figure.

We had ourselves a hell of time. LOTS OF GUNS, a little bit of o'dules, up in Hobble 'crick' canyon. And some pretty sweet entertainment if ya know what i mean.

this is the who's who of those who are whosits in attendance

chad speirs
wade erickson
mike magleby
scottie ward
matt ward
jon russell
brent wilde
jp lewis
(anyone else? i cant remember, give me a break this was like 4 days ago, you dont really expect me to remember past 24 hours do you?)

We came up with a pretty sweet idea so that we will all being able to hang out more and not let those damned responsibilities get in the way of good friendships.

So we are starting a new scouting program. Its called MAN SCOUTS. Once a month to do radical, fun 'learning' type program. YES MAN SCOUTS!!!

Who's in? Here are some ideas for our "Man badges"

shootin' guns
liftin' trucks
speedo waxin'
carbourater overhaulin'
computer networkin'
tailgate partyin'
nulcear physics

WHO's In?


chaseface said...

Can't wait for MAN Scouts! Great picts!

Scott Ward said...

I am going to be the first to receive my MANBADGE.

JPizzle said...

What the hell bra?! You get a pic of everyone but me?!! not cool.