Friday, October 3, 2008

Night Running, Old Shoes and Soul Purpose

Commuting By ........FOOT?

I like to run. I really like to run. For me it borders on the edge of addiction. I cant remember ever going out for a run and feeling worse than when i left. It is always a positive reward. Last night after a long day of work, I needed to run. A warm fall night perfect for putting in some miles. Lately for me its more about just running, no watch, no GPS, not worrying about pace, just running. I try to hit the dirt as much as possible running between thanksgiving point and the ranches. so it was a nice 3 hour night time jaunt. Stopped at maverick and got a bear claw and jug o'chocolate milk for the after party.

Old Shoes

so called "experts" talk about rotating shoes for support and i agree somewhat however i have been reading lots about the benefits of barefoot running how it strengthens your feet and allows for the more natural design and function of the foot to perform. So on that line wouldn't old running shoes be more healthy? as they allow your foot to be more supple?


Alissa and i are in the process of going learning more about our SOUL purpose not sole purpose. Its an ideal that has been dancing in my head for a long time. Last night i got a text from my mentor and he said to 'ponder of my purpose' which i did. The one realization that i came to last night is that for the last few years as i have been struggling to HAVE financial Independence so i can DO the things i want to do and then BE the person/dad/husband/business owner/entrepreneur that i want to be. But IT CANNOT.......will not.......... has never been........... or will ever be that way. For the first time i realized that you first have to BE then DO then HAVE. its an insight that will come when your ready.


Tuttles said...

Love it, its good to get out and be epic. Love the posts!!

Courtney said...

where can i get a bra like that?

Unknown said...

I just went to your blog like a hundred times to get your traffic counter up!!! Nice job on getting the blog going. BTW my legs hurt